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Amanda Hughes has over 20 years of experience as an acupuncturist. She qualified from the Advanced Course in Acupuncture at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing in 1992.
She studied Chinese Herbal Medicine with Michael McIntyre and qualified from the School of Chinese Herbal Medicine in 1999.
Since returning to Ireland from Beijing, Amanda has successfully treated men and women with gynecology and fertility issues.
She specialises in treating skin conditions with Chinese herbs and makes many of her own skin creams and herbal washes.
Amanda has written articles relating to Chinese medicine and acupuncture for a number of Irish newspapers and magazines, and has given several public talks on fertility and hormonal health. She is also the Clinical supervisor in Acupuncture for the College of Naturopathic Medicine, Dublin.
What sets Amanda apart is her earnest dedication and genuine interest in her clients well being. She continuously goes the extra mile and never once makes you feel rushed or under any type of pressure, in fact all too often it felt as though she was there for my benefit alone – such is her skill at putting you at ease and I trust her impeccably.